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Attack on Titan Tribute Game

Fun Made Videos
Attack On Titan TRIBUTE GAME: Op1 - Guren no Yumiya
Video by Ian
巨人の猎手 Attack on Titan Tribute Game
Song: Guren no Yumiya (紅蓮の弓矢) (AOT OP1)
Directed by Joel Hufano
Thanks to Chinese Indie game developer FengLee, we can now play a game to satisfy our titan needs. Thanks to that, I put together a tribute video for Feng, the first opening of Attack On Titan. Enjoy!
Gurren no Yumiya (Attack on Titan OP) Aot tribute game MV 红莲の弓矢op1巨猎版
Miracle Chan
Done by 阴阳玄瞳 from Tieba in china. Reuploaded with owner's permission. The last version has no subtitle, an upload by mistake lol.
Tieba link:
This MV is made using footage from Attack on Titan Tribute Game. Enjoy!
Music: Linked Horizon - Guren No Yumiya
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